Being able to have a checkmark next to a feature in a feature list doesn't mean much.
A look into Samsung's way of doing business.
Pretty classy.
Excellent tumblr showing all of Samsung's best original designs.
BREAKING NEWS: Samsung copies successful product from another company.
Wasn't this supposed to be a big scandal?
Oh Samsung, an impressive tech behemoth. But their culture of ripping off the designs of others is still deeply ingrained. They didn't even change the colors of the four buttons.
It's such an obvious, blatant rip-off that it's not even funny.
It's a deep cultural thing... Excellent #Samsung #GalaxyNote review.
Before #Apple was the market leader, #Samsung was ripping former market leader's design (and name):
A comparison between mobile phone OS shares, revenue share, market share, and the most striking part at the end. Scroll down to see.
Review at Gizmodo: This thing is just a mess. It's like a tablet drunkenly hooked up with a phone, and then took the fetus swimming in a Superfund cleanup site. The browser is miserable, at least when Flash is enabled. It goes catatonic, scrolling is laggy, and it can get laughably bad. When better browsing is half the reason to go for a larger screen, that's insanity.