A cool comic book by Jim Lawson, who worked on TMNT for a while. Awesome art, dry story.
Excellent 19 page strip about homeopathy. If you know anyone who believes in this shit, this is a quick way to educate such person, presented in an easy to digest comic strip format.
A pretty funny web comic about a unicorn and a robot who are in love with each other.
I remember back when I was a comic book reading kid that this one sold for $300k. Now it went for over a million. I have a replica (worth maybe a dollar) back in Mexico.
So funny, and yet so sad.
Funniest part is that this still happens to me every now and then.
Everything you ever wanted (or not) to know about comic book letterig but were afraid to ask.
CEO Air?
An image of Jessica Rabbit using real textures - but maintaining the caricature's original proportions. Pretty cool.