Great article on the incredible graphic design for the 1968 Olympics.
Old (4 year old) short video article about the play Cristales Rotos my mom wrote. I never linked to it!
Fascinating essay about AI.
The kids with the president of CONMEBOL ahead of walking out to the field on the Argentina vs Ecuador Copa América Quarterfinal.
Someone digitally remastered and uploaded the original Star Tours (Disney ride) video. Very nice!
This is one hell of an example of quality long-form journalism. A depressing history of the rise of the extreme right in Israel, explained in well documented detail and in a dispassionate way by Pulitzer prize winner Ronen Bergman.
This is so very well done.
Some of the work done by the community, with an interview to a famous local psychologist.
Interesting and well made video about the history of wireless networking. This wasn’t that long ago, yet it’s hard to remember life before WiFi.
Super impressive homebrewed Mac. This guy designed and printed a Macintosh case and built a functional Mac including floppy that auto-ejects, System 6.0.8, adapters for both RJ-11 keyboard and ADB, a 10” (LCD) screen, boot up chime…
It’s a long video and it’s mesmerizing (to me). I especially enjoyed the first part in which the case is printed and sanded and painted. Incredible craftsmanship.
I have visited parks with giant statues of leaders in former-Soviet countries. But I never knew something similar had been attempted in the US recently. And of course it was a private enterprise over here. It’d be cool to see these statues in their present state.
This video is for the hardcore Mac users (those that used to be called MacZealots) that appreciate computer history done by the Computer History Museum on the 40th Anniversary of the Mac.. They put together a group of well-known people who worked on the original Mac to talk about it, telling stories never heard before. Super enjoyable and interesting, if you're into that sort of thing.
Today is the 40th anniversary of Macintosh. I’ve been a Mac user for almost 40 years. Lots of memories on this website.
Original recording of the Willhelm Scream.
I finally saw the new Indiana Jones and caught the scream early on from a bad guy falling from the train.
Part 1 of 4 (read all 4).
I first learned to program on a Commodore 64. I owned a Commodore 128. And I was fascinated by the Amiga – although I was already a Mac user by then.
I’ve tried a few, good list for my next visit.
Abort Retry Fail is a publication that focuses on computing history.
I've enjoyed their posts. They are information-dense, condensed, and to the point. And they often cover aspects of computer history that I know little about.
NI is now part of Emerson.
I think about this joke often. It's so great. Decided to save the link to it.
Well made 3D renders of what the city of Tenochtitlán would have looked like.