Interesting and well made video about the history of wireless networking. This wasn’t that long ago, yet it’s hard to remember life before WiFi.
Part 1 of 4 (read all 4).
I first learned to program on a Commodore 64. I owned a Commodore 128. And I was fascinated by the Amiga – although I was already a Mac user by then.
Abort Retry Fail is a publication that focuses on computing history.
I've enjoyed their posts. They are information-dense, condensed, and to the point. And they often cover aspects of computer history that I know little about.
Cool visualization of largest known breaches since 2004.
Nice explanation of one of the most common hacking techniques.
Very nice video of Steve Wozniak talking about the early days of Apple and his design philosophies.
Ransomware: There's an app for that! Exclusively on Android.
The devastating security bug, in comic strip form.
Today is the 30th anniversary of the Mac. Apple put up a really nice site for it. My first Mac was a Macintosh Plus in 1987. I was a little kid doing stuff on it that no one else could do: desktop publishing, illustration, sound editing... It was a gigantic leap from anything else at the time and it completely changed computers forever.
The story of ARM, the company that designs the chip inside your phone. Part 2.
Main features for the upcoming Mac OS X. some cool stuff in in there.
Richard Stallman says that cloud computing is evil because all your data is held on to by a third party. Also that it will work because a sucker is born every minute. I don't think people will use it (only) because they are suckers. They will use it because it's so convenient, and people are willing to give up control and/or money in exchange for convenience.
Article about the Stuxnet virus. This is the stuff of science fiction movies, only for real.
Very interesting article about the Conficker worm.
Retro, geeky, and stylish.
What would you do if you have 1500 hard drives and some spare time?
Happy birthday!
I linked to this years ago. Things have changed. Java is dropping and Objective C has done the unthinkable: It passed C++!!! And that sucks because C++ is my strongest language.
Want to learn Cocoa? This looks like a good place to start. Perhaps I'll play with it a little.