Ok, now I have to go buy me a slinky.
As an interesting observation: all the tricks use plastic slinkys, not the original metallic ones.
Not huge moneymakers, but cool stuff nonetheless. I always thought the Aibo robo-dog and the Cliê were awesome.
Very creative and very beautiful.
Conceal your $0.75 coffee inside what looks like a $600 DSLR lens. Hipster approved.
Awesome commercials. not sure they want to make me buy a PS though.
Mark Guppy's "Selected". It's pretty darn cool so I won't even try to describe it.
I am strangely drawn to this product. I want it.
Cool and cute and fun.
Very well done.
Pretty freaking cool...
Find flickr photos by color(s)! Neta.
A web application from the guys of deviantART. I'm pretty sure I've seen this before somewhere in prototype form. In any case, it's pretty cool, and it's completely done in HTML5, which means that it works on any modern, standards-compliant browser... including the iPad. No Adobe Flash nor any other plugins required.
Try this on an iPhone, or better yet on an iPad. It cannot be much fun on a desktop browser.
A new trailer for Machete dedicated to the fine people of Arizona. Lots of Austin footage.
Pencil VS Camera: This artists overlays a hand drawn image on a real scene and takes a picture. Cool stuff.
This online drawing tool is really, really pretty.
This looks pretty cool: a 3D view of your computer's desktop. It seems like it would be more useful if I had one of the newer multitouch trackpads.