Incredible graphic design and typography.
Super fast and lightweight sports results and statistics.
Long overdue rebranding of the company I work at.
Dimensions.Guide is a comprehensive reference database of dimensioned drawings documenting the standard measurements and sizes of the everyday objects and spaces that make up our built environment. Created as a universal resource to better communicate the basic properties, systems, and logics of our world, Dimensions.Guide is a free platform for increasing public and professional knowledge of life and design. Updated daily.
I am seriously considering hiring this guy to design a logo for The MKX®.
The genius part: hold under infrared light and you can see the Northern Lights.
Excellent tumblr showing all of Samsung's best original designs.
"Steve was a firm believer in the fact that if you make the UI good enough, you should be able to do everything you needed to with one button" And unlike most of my computer engineer colleagues, I absolutely agree. A well designed UI should be completely usable with a one button mouse. The second button is good for advanced users, but it should not be a requirement for any functionality. This is similar to keyboard shortcuts.
Let's all link to this site in order to boost their page rank.
Maybe the best graphic design for the Olympics so far.
Beautiful work, and I bet it's delicious too. I'll have to go on my next trip.
Signage symbol galore.
Very nice black and white animation and use of typography.
Cool info-graphic.
These are really impressive caricatures. Clean and simple, yet they capture the likeness of the subject perfectly. Maradona is probably the b est.
Article about the design of the revolutionary (at its time) HP-35 calculator.
"A market research study, however, warned that the device would be too expensive and there was simply no market. That didn’t matter to Hewlett. He decided he wanted one and said “We’re going to go ahead anyway.”
... and it was wildly successful. This was the philosophy behind the iPod's design much later at Apple.