Very fun short film with high production values, all shot form a phone camera.
Awesome display of the power and flexibility of SwiftUI.
I did a much earlier version of this course about ten years ago. It was Objective C and AppKit. A Swift and SwiftUI version sounds like a lot of fun. Need to make time for it.
In hindsight, it seems obvious to me that app developers would abuse "Background App Refresh" functionality of iOS to call home and send data.
So I went to Settings on my phone and found a giant list of apps with the Background App Refresh function turned on.
I turned almost all of them off. Especially those from companies whose business model relies on collecting my personal data: anything made by Google, Facebook (WhatsApp, Instagram), Amazon, Uber, Yelp, etc. Obviously, all those crappy adware/games my son downloads.
I only left the setting on for apps made by companies I trust because their business model is not about collecting data (Apple and to a lesser degree Microsoft) and only for apps I use often and I can see the value for the contents to be up to date by the time I open the app (Notes which may change on a separate device, Outlook, etc.).
The best part, this should improve my battery life – to what degree it's unclear and reduce my data usage.
I bet that Apple will, in the near future, default this setting to OFF and make apps ask you if you really want to grant them the ability to perform Background App Refresh.
This is the demo used by Apple during the introduction of the new iPhones to show off the new CPU. I thought it was very impressive, and also the first time I see AR as something other than a gimmick.
Collection of iOS wallpapers, going back quite a bit.
This changes the economics of ultrasounds... if it works.
Legitimately interesting article about charging speed for the new iPhones. Hadn’t seen a comparison like this before.
Nicely done video. Except for the animoji part which I'm sure will help sell phones but I'm definitely not the target audience for. Still: want.
I still see people doing this even though it’s never been a good idea.
It's the little things...
This is very cool, different photographs taken by each iPhone ever made, each presenting its own challenges.
Interesting article on what was going on behind the scenes during the secretive development of the iPhone.
Cool article, compares the cameras on all the iPhones.
Funny, yet unsurprising.
Some nice tips and apps I never heard about. Worth watching if you give a damn about taking decent photos and often do it with an iPhone.
Nice article with good tips. I keep telling people that no, you don't need to close every open app on your phone to save battery.
The story behind the most notorious exception to the whole "There's an app for that" slogan.