Great visualization.
Cool visualization of largest known breaches since 2004.
The A12X chip in the new iPad Pro is by far its most impressive feature. But the only thing I can think of is: Imagine is they start putting these in tiny MacBook laptops.
So who’s lying (or got it wrong?) Bloomberg or The rest of the world?
“Their work amounts to what may well be the most far-reaching global censorship operation in history. It is also the least accountable”
Facebook was never prepared for the de facto position of responsibility over speech and communications they find themselves in.
Everything this company does is shady. It had to implode at some point.
Cool demos of the state-of-the-art in computer graphics and animation.
"The SIGGRAPH Technical Papers program is the premier international forum for disseminating new scholarly work in computer graphics and interactive techniques. SIGGRAPH 2017 brings together thousands of computer graphics professionals, 30 July - 3 August 2017 in Los Angeles, California, USA. Learn more and register at"
On Twitter as the platform for which white supremacists propaganda machine is based.
I know of several non-technical people with great "tech business ideas" say that they can just hire cheap developers in India to implement their business. I always try to explain what a terrible idea that is unless you have someone they trust and who can provide technical oversight to the project. This is an example of how things can go horribly wrong.
My prediction: Within 24 months, the vast majority of flagship phones will not have a headphone jack.
This seems like such a natural thing to do in any country. Except when these guys are caught it's not going to be pretty.
"Techies" criticize the closed App Store ecosystem that the iPhone pioneered, but they forget just how awful the alternative is for regular users. This article can serve as a reminder of what a cesspool Windows can be.
The concept video looks amazing... too bad it's completely fake and all done in after effects. I don't know why Microsoft likes to set such expectations, it seems dishonest. I am extremely skeptical that the real final product, whenever it arrives, will work even remotely close to that.
All human inventions, technology and science developments were meant to lead us to this: VR lightsabers.
This is funny but true. Anyone paying extra money in order to buy an inferior product (curved TVs) is a schmuck.
The devastating security bug, in comic strip form.
Net neutrality is finally here. I mean there, in Europe.
Very good, albeit simplistic article on Sony's newer cameras. They look great!
For OS nerds only.