Green Day's landmark album, demastered in 15 formats. The way it was never meant to be heard.
This is incredible.
Super impressive homebrewed Mac. This guy designed and printed a Macintosh case and built a functional Mac including floppy that auto-ejects, System 6.0.8, adapters for both RJ-11 keyboard and ADB, a 10” (LCD) screen, boot up chime…
It’s a long video and it’s mesmerizing (to me). I especially enjoyed the first part in which the case is printed and sanded and painted. Incredible craftsmanship.
Abort Retry Fail is a publication that focuses on computing history.
I've enjoyed their posts. They are information-dense, condensed, and to the point. And they often cover aspects of computer history that I know little about.
Allows you to run all Classic Mac OS releases in the Macintosh of your choosing emulated withing the browser. This is really slick and really well done.
Today’s Atari company is not the same Atari from the 70s. They just own the brand which has passed hands over and over and over. But I must say it’s pretty cool that they are making a game cartridge for the 2600.
Three game cartridges to be released this year (2021!) for the Atari 2600. Yes, I find this to be really cool. I’m a sucker for these retro things.
Interestingly these are games that were developed back in the 80s but never releases. Where is the modern SDK for the Atari 2600?
An Apple II emulator running Print Shop modified to generate PDF downloads of your prints.
I used this program A LOT back in the day. On a Commodore64 of course.
It doesn’t get more retro than this.
I'm at 35/45.
I heard about the Kickstarter way back then and forgot all about it. This film is epic and the work of a mad genius.
This is unbelievably impressive. It made me browse eBay for a used Commodore 64 and a CRT TV.
2017 graduating classes of the DAVE School made a fake trailer of "The Star Wars" using art by concept artist Ralph McQuarrie.
If you don't know why this is cool, then you are no Star Wars fan.
It will probably be crap, but the industrial design alone makes this desirable.
If the real thing ends up looking anything like those renders, that is.
The whole program uses up 256 bytes. This description I just typed uses up about the same amount of memory.
Follow up on previously linked item.
This is some technical background explaining how the browser-based emulator hosted by the Internet Archive so you can run old Mac software works.
I can think of worst ways to spend $1000.
Impressive work.
Nice commercial. Like the product, it pushes all the nostalgia buttons.
August 11 – 13 – Austin, TX / The Long Center for the Performing Arts
Wow, at the Long Center! That's cool. But it's the stupid Special Editions so Han shoots first so no.
Superfly Jimmy Snuka is still wrestling. This is crazy, and awesome, and sad.